SessionsSeptember 2: Social Determinants of Health This presentation will review the impact of geographic location on the prevalence of chronic conditions and health outcomes. Research indicates that 70-80% of a person’s overall physical and behavioral health is driven by social and environmental factors or Social Determinants of Health (SDOH); conversely 80% of healthcare dollars are spent on clinical care. September 9: Suicide Awareness & Intervention This presentation will discuss the scope of the problem of suicide in our community and the myths and stigma that surround it. The group will learn how to recognize that someone may be at risk for suicide, how to talk to the person at risk about suicide, and then how to help them make a plan to stay safe. September 16: The Vital Role of Nurses in Ending the Epidemic of Childhood Trauma We live in a society that looks the other way as our children are traumatized by ten adverse childhood experiences (ACE). It's not that we don't care, we do. But we have not, up until now, had a framework for preventing the trauma that diminishes the lives of children and their struggling parents. Cappello provides an overview of ACEs, a two-decade history of prevention efforts yielding few results, and a new groundbreaking strategy called the 100% Community initiative for mobilizing each county around a process of ensuring the ten vital services for surviving and thriving--including medical and mental health care--the centerpiece of ACEs prevention. September 23: Radical Self Care This experiential presentation will focus on how to engage in radical self-care to prevent and alleviate burnout when working in a demanding, high-stress position. Radical self-care goes beyond taking walks and bubble baths; it incorporates a mindful and meditative component that supports whole self-care. Essential aspects to self-care that will be introduced include consistent mindfulness practice, identification of personal values and corresponding behaviors, and workplace agreements/commitments that actuate authenticity and radical genuineness. September 30: Cultural Humility in the Workplace This presentation will focus on Cultural Humility in the workplace. It will give an overview of Cultural Humility as an approach where service providers develop a lifelong process of learning about other cultures and are sensitive to cultural differences. It will inform the participants of how to integrate cultural humility in a meaningful and impactful way. CEs: 1 - 1.6 per sessionRegistration: $25 for one session - $100 for allScholarships are available to New Mexico Nurses thanks to the NM Board of Nursing.REGISTER HERE |